www.gusucode.com > WSTMall PHP网店系统 v1.6.0PHP源码程序 > WSTMall PHP网店系统 v1.6.0/wstmall_v1.6.0_160506/wstmall_v1.6.0_160506/Apps/Home/Model/AttributeCatsModel.class.php

 namespace Home\Model;
 * ============================================================================
 * WSTMall开源商城
 * 官网地址:http://www.wstmall.com 
 * 联系QQ:707563272
 * ============================================================================
 * 商品类型服务类
class AttributeCatsModel extends BaseModel { 
	  * 新增
	 public function insert(){
	 	$m = M('attribute_cats');
	 	$rd = array('status'=>-1);
		$data = array();
		$data['catName'] = I('catName');
		$data["shopId"] = (int)session('WST_USER.shopId');
			$data['catFlag'] = 1;
			$data['createTime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
			$rs = $m->add($data);
			if(false !== $rs){
				$rd['status']= 1;
		return $rd;
	  * 修改
	 public function edit(){
	 	$m = M('attribute_cats');
	 	$rd = array('status'=>-1);
	 	$shopId = (int)session('WST_USER.shopId');
	 	$data = array();
	 	$data['catName'] = I('catName');
			$catId = (int)I('id',0);
			$rs = $m->where("shopId=".$shopId." and catId=".$catId)->save($data);
			if(false !== $rs){
				$rd['status']= 1;
		return $rd;
	  * 获取指定对象
     public function get($catId = 0){
     	$id = $catId>0?$catId:(int)I('id');
     	$m = M('attribute_cats');
     	$shopId = (int)session('WST_USER.shopId');
		return $m->where("shopId=".$shopId." and catId=".$id)->find();
	  * 分页列表
     public function queryByPage(){
     	 $m = M('attribute_cats');
     	 $shopId = (int)session('WST_USER.shopId');
		 return $m->where('shopId='.$shopId.' and catFlag=1')->field('catId,catName')->order('catId asc')->select();
	  * 分页列表
     public function queryByList(){
     	 $m = M('attribute_cats');
     	 $shopId = (int)session('WST_USER.shopId');
		 return $m->where('shopId='.$shopId.' and catFlag=1')->field('catId,catName')->order('catId asc')->select();
	  * 删除
	 public function del(){
	    $rd = array('status'=>-1);
	    $id = (int)I('id');
	    if($id==0)return $rd;
	    $m = M('attributes');
	    $shopId = (int)session('WST_USER.shopId');
	    $sql = "select attrId from __PREFIX__attributes where shopId=".$shopId." and catId=".$id;
	    $attrRs = $m->query($sql);
	    	$ids = array();
	    	foreach ($attrRs as $v){
	    		$ids[] = $v['attrId'];
	    	$data = array();
	    	$data['attrFlag'] = -1;
	    	$m->where("shopId=".$shopId." and attrId in(".implode(',',$ids).")")->save($data);
	    	$m = M('goods_attributes');
		    $m->where("shopId=".$shopId." and attrId in(".implode(',',$ids).")")->delete();
	    $rs = $m->execute("update __PREFIX__goods set attrCatId=0 where shopId=".$shopId." and attrCatId=".$id);
	    $m = M('attribute_cats');
	    $rs = $m->execute("update __PREFIX__attribute_cats set catFlag=-1 where shopId=".$shopId." and catId=".$id);
		if(false !== $rs){
		   $rd['status']= 1;
		return $rd;